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Veineo® RF catheters

Veineo® is a minimally invasive solution for treating varicose saphenous, perforating or collateral varicose veins quickly and safely using radiofrequency ablation. The key to treatment success: a trio of lumen-free radiofrequency catheters. Besides rendering them practically indestructible, the catheters’ reinforcing internal steel wires ensure crystal-clear ultrasound visibility while maintaining the necessary flexibility to follow tortuous veins—with no need for an additional guide wire. The two larger catheters have markings at regular intervals (every 7 mm) to assist with timing, and all three have a thermal-effect radius of just 3 mm, which prevents damage to surrounding tissue.

Veineo® catheters are available in three sizes, depending on the diameter of the vein to be ablated:

Catheter typeCR3OiCR40iCR45i
Vein type2-5 mm varicose
Catheter diameter0.7 mm1.1 mm1.9 mm
Catheter length275 mm365 mm1190 mm
or 600 mm
Tip length10 mm5 mm5 mm
Sterile extension
cable length
1 m2.5 mm2.5 mm
Marking/every 7 mmevery 7 mm
Insulation materialPTFEPTFEPTFE
Tip materialstainless steelstainless steelstainless steel
Product reference05CR30i05CR40iV205CR45iV2
(1190 mm)
05CR45i 60
(600 mm)

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RF ablation of varicose veins | Veineo®

Click here for more specifics about treating varicose veins safely and effectively using Veineo®.